Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day: Pre-Emptive Peace

Some folks are really upset with all this talk about global warming. Guys like "drinkingwithbob" here are practically beside themselves:

I'm sorry. I don't like it any more than you do. But it's just science. The same science that figured out how to make that video camera, so you could yell at us.

How did Bob get so angry, do you think? Did someone say something that got him all riled up?

This seems like a problem. Maybe we should listen to what the President has to say about all this:

Wow! I still don't understand! What has Al Gore been saying that's got everyone so shook up?

Well, it sure sounds scary. And Hollywood gave Gore the Oscar for this movie. Leave it to Hollywood to jump on the Tree Hugger Bandwagon! I bet they can't leave this alone.

Oh, no! It's Leonardo DiCaprio. Didn't he go down with the Titanic? Oh, well, let's hear what he has to say.

This is starting to sound pretty scary. I'm not sure what our President thinks. What does the rest of the world have to say?

Oh my! They gave Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize! (Poor Amy Goodman with her Bell's Palsy problem. Hope she feels better soon!) Hmmm... These folks don't seem to be much interested in "spin", do they? They seem to think this stuff is pretty important. But the Nobel Peace Prize? For raising awareness about global warming? How does that make sense?

Hmmm, here's Seth Borenstein on saying U.S. and Global Water Wars Loom. That doesn't sound very good.

Here's Jeffrey Sachs writing about current War Climates -- like Darfur!

Here's a report from Reuters Africa called Global warming impact like "nuclear war". Here's what it says:

"We can all see that climate change is a threat to global security, and you can judge some of the more obvious causes and areas," said IISS transnational threat specialist Nigel Inkster. "What is much harder to do is see how to cope with them."

I get it now. Is this like Bush's pre-emptive war? A little bit, I guess. But this seems like a much better idea. Maybe we can do this for other problems, too. Congratulations, Al. What a great idea!

Pre-Emptive Peace!

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